Managing expenses is an essential task for every business, but sometimes it can be difficult to keep track of all of your receipts. The Home Depot’s loyalty program, Pro Xtra, is a place where you can keep track of all of your recent purchases dating back twenty-four months. Sounds nice, right? It is! With Pro Xtra, you can effectively track and manage all of your company’s purchases from The Home Depot, among many other capabilities.
However, picture this: you go to The Home Depot as you regularly do and purchase some materials for your new job. When you check out, you forget to provide the information or use the card that is linked to your Home Depot Pro Xtra account, so the receipt does not automatically upload into your account.
What do you do? Turn your car around, scramble back inside, make a return, and then purchase it all over again, this time providing the key information? Of course not! This issue can be easily remedied in a few steps.
First, you need to locate your receipt. It could be a paper receipt, or perhaps you opted to have it emailed to you. No matter where the receipt is, it has the information necessary for entering it into your account. If you are unsure of how to locate it, here is a simple guide on how to get copies of your receipts.
Now that you have located the right receipt, there are just a few things you need to do to add it into your Pro Xtra:
- Log in to your Pro Xtra account
- Click on the Purchase Tracking tab on the left menu
- Above the Purchases section, click on Add Store Receipt
Enter the necessary information located on your receipt, including:
- Store Number
- Register Number
- Transaction ID
- Pre-Tax Amount
- Sales Date
- If you have multiple receipts, you can add them all at once by clicking the + Add More button on the bottom
- Once you have filled out each field, click on Add Receipts
See? It is a piece of cake! Pro Xtra makes purchase tracking easy in every way. You can track and add your recent purchases in just a few clicks with no worries. If you do not yet have a Pro Xtra account, get out there and sign up. Kiss that shoebox of receipts goodbye and say hello to the world of automation!
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