Features Overview

Integrate QuickBooks With Other Services

QuickBooks is such a critical part of your business. It is necessary for you to be able to communicate with the other services you use.

We are constantly developing integration between QuickBooks and other tools. HammerZen allows you to connect The Home Depot® receipts to your QuickBooks file effortlessly. Do you run actual expenses by the job? We’ve an Intuit approved app so you can finally sync your purchases to analyze your expenses and job profitability.

QuickBooks Logo and import receipts

QuickBooks Integration Home Depot

Estimate Like the Pros

Apply the same tactics the top QuickBooks users are applying in their business.

Add urgency to your estimates using “Item Profitability.” Track your money spent vs. your money earned with past materials purchased and job profits by using detailed reports. Tracking your inventory can also help you generate an even larger profit, and who doesn’t want that?.”

Automate More of Your Business

Our customers are busy. We’ve automated the processes they do most often so they can stick to what they do best.

Use Easy Mapping to automate the grueling process of importing credit card expenses by the job. Know exactly from which store you made your purchases. Systematize your import process of tracking material billable to different jobs. Use “Unbilled Costs by Job” to remind you to invoice your customers and maintain a steady, healthy profit.

HammerZen Process to import receipts and statements from Home Depot into QuickBooks

Get Better Insight Into Your Business

QuickBooks presents you with such an overwhelming amount of information that it’s often difficult to find what you really want. We’ve built some tools to help you with this dilemma.

Track your account activity and the performance of your item and job profitability by importing materials in detail. You can also discover the lifetime customer values of your contracts.

Locate Your Files

Browse and link your files. (The Home Depot® purchase summary or detail report and QuickBooks)

Own Your Import

Choose to import as Accounts Payable, Bank or Credit Card Account

Simply Job Mapping

Automate adding/changing as you progress through your import

Quickly Copy Down

Apply jobs, sales tax and item and save for future imports

Easily Create Item

Choose the SKU that you want to assign to any item name; it is only seen in one place under the Item List

Select Item Type

Categorize each material as a Service, Inventory, or Non-Inventory Item; Product and Services

Accurate Items Split

Distribute materials by quantity and unit price for each Job and/or Class

Customize SKU

Customize the item names and descriptions that make the most sense to you and your team

Sales Tax

Apply sales tax to each material by store, and record them accordingly, even if you are tax-exempt

Record Billable?

Recording a billable expense is as easy as setting, expensing, and invoicing it

Intelligent Mapping

Configure and control your mapping for future purchases

Analyze Reports

Job and Property costing is fundamental to managerial accounting

Import Home Depot® Purchases into QuickBooks
Start Your 30 Day Free Trial Today!
I use QuickBooks Desktop
I use QuickBooks Online